Volunteer time, skills & compassion to others!
Time & Talents
"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring,
all of which have the potential to turn a life around." --Leo Buscaglia

"Be a light in the fight."
406-698-3821 (Mandi Nixon); email info@cancercant.com
Provides transportation for cancer patients in the Inland NW who need to get to medical app'ts, who cannot drive themselves (in WA & ID locations)
Drivers receive training/orientation. Must be age 21+, provide own vehicle & have proof of insurance.
Drivers make their own schedule, choosing times/days convenient for them.
There is no charge for the oncology patients receiving rides.
10275 N. Atlas Rd., Hayden, ID 83835
Formerly Kootenai Humane Society
Provide temporary foster home/care
Rescues & adopts more than 2,000 pets each year; adoptions by app't
"No-Kill Philosophy" means a time limit is never placed on how long cats, dogs & other pets can stay at center
100% donation funded
Thrift store worker, customer service, maintenance & fund-raising
"Building a better community one cup at a time"
31848 N. Fourth Ave., Spirit Lake, ID 83869
Hours: M-F, 10 am-3 pm; T, 10 am-5:30 pm
817-228-5018 or email amy@cupofgrace.life
Programs include - FREE weekly meals for Spirit Lake community, school clothing closets, summer weekend lunches/weekend bags, first responder "buddy bags" for children in traumatic situations, family assistance
Community meals every Tuesday evening serve between 100-160 people of all ages, FREE of charge!
Panhandle Health District, 8500 N. Atlas Rd., Hayden, ID 83835
208-415-5242 (Gary)
Free, 6-hour training
Volunteer 3-4 hours a week to teach exercise-based fall prevention classes.
Classes target ages 65+, however, are open to all ages.
208-755-0879 or email ffr@thefurryfarmrescue.org
Provides enriching & nurturing foster homes for rescued animals
Cares for medical needs & gives training needed for success
Finds foster homes prior to "forever" homes
Holds adoption events
Liason between Owner Surrender animals & foster homes
Volunteer positions include: transport helpers, photographer in Rathdrum vicinity, writers for grants & social media/website posts, graphic designer, & adoption event assistants
600 W. Prairie Ave., Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815
208-334-8416 (Cathy)
"Adopt a Highway" - litter pick-up
"Operation Wildflower" - wildflower planting
"Rest Area Activities Program" - dispense refreshments to motorists at rest areas (for non-profit groups).
"Safe Kids" - become a car seat safety technician.
"WHALE (We Have A Little Emergency) Program" - distribute child ID stickers for child care seats. Info - 208-334-4460.​
176 Wyoming Ave., Hayden
208-762-4663, Ext 4 (Diana), or email volunteer@northidahohabitat.org
Has provided help for Kootenai Co. families in need of decent, affordable housing since 1988. Homeowners help build their own homes ("sweat equity") alongside volunteers.
Volunteer labor is the primary factor in making affordable housing possible. Volunteers can assist on new home construction sites &/or home repair projects regardless of skill level. Are you able to work on a Saturday w/lunch provided?
ReStore volunteers process donations, stock & organize shelves to raise money to support home ownership/repair programs.
Ages 14+ can assist at the ReStore. Volunteers on construction sites must be 18+ years old.
2290 West Prairie Ave., CdA, ID 83815
Orientation is offered every 4th Wednesday, 6-7:30 pm.
Find a niche - become a companion/caregiver, offer bereavement support, spiritual care, pet therapy, fundaising, office help, music therapy, or work at thrift store.
Thrift store location - 503 E. Seltice Way, #5, Post Falls, 208-773-5076.
Kootenai Co. Juvenile Justice Mentoring Program
205 N. 4th St., Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814
Coordinator Amelia Kirk; 208-659-6161 or email jpmentor@kcgov.us
Help improve the lives of at-risk youth - guide, support, listen, motivate, nurture, inspire, influence, encourage, share hobbies, be a role model. Help them become productive, responsible adults.
5500 N. Government Way, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815
"Citizens on Patrol" - do security checks, traffic control, VIN/HIN inspections, home safety inspections, & assist at special events in the community (parades, firework displays, school functions). Free training is provided.
Search & Rescue, COPS & Chaplain Corps
206 Indiana Ave., Suite 112, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814​
208-667-9093 (Audra)
Help with events/programs, office, research, writer, speaker, fundraising
2003 Kootenai Health Way, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814
Mail pick-up/delivery, answer phones, transport patients, deliver flowers/mail/gifts, gift shop, pet therapy, teen volunteer program, "way-finding", injury prevention, special events, car seat technician, nurse volunteer.
"When life gives you lemons, laugh out loud."
Purpose is to bring comfort & joy to those in our area undergoing chemotherapy
Fabric chemo bags filled with comforting items are lovingly stitched by volunteers at a rate of about 60 per month.
Distributed to patients at cancer treatment centers in CdA, Post Falls, St. Maries, Sandpoint
To become a stitcher, or to help in other ways, call Cathy Kobs at 208-659-0223, or email lemonsoflovenw@gmail.com
Coordinates trail work by planning, building & maintaining mountain biking trails in North Idaho
Works with gov't agencies (City of CdA-Canfield Natural Area) as well as Bureau of Land Management & Forest Service
Volunteers welcome & needed
Contact - Dan Eyman at dan@lakecitytrailalliance.com
Teaches adults in our community English literacy skills needed to be self-sufficient & to be able to participate fully as community members, family members, & lifelong learners.
Offers FREE classes & one-on-one tutoring for "English as a Second Language" (ESL)
Offers FREE one-on-one confidential tutoring sessions for "Low Literacy"
Coverage area is from Sandpoint to Plummer.
North Idaho College - Hedlund Bldg., 420 N. College Dr., CdA
208-450-2669 or email info@theliteracyprojectni.org
Want to volunteer as a tutor &/or instructor? Email Nicole at office@theliteracyprojectni.org. ​​​
"Adult literacy changes lives."
​Panhandle Health District, 8500 N. Atlas Rd., Hayden, ID 83835
208-415-5185 (Tami Martin, Unit Coordinator)
Be part of a well-trained team of medical & non-medical volunteers who contribute skills/expertise to our community in public health or other emergency situations.
May participate in health fairs, shot clinics, health screenings & trainings/exercises.
720 E. Young Ave., Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814
Store attendant, cataloguing, displays, web design, marketing, fundraising, student internships & board member
Grand opening weekend in new location, April 17-19, 2025
Museum collects, preserves & interprets history of the area to foster appreciation of heritage.
1417 N. 4th St., Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814
208-667-9165 Coeur d'Alene | 208-818-3916 Kellogg
Trained volunteer child advocates are appointed to represent the best interest of children who are abused & neglected, & are involved in active Child Protective Act cases.
Panhandle Health District, 8500 N. Atlas Rd., Hayden, ID 83835
Provides companionship & respite care to elderly & disabled persons in Benewah, Bonner, Boundary, Kootenai & Shoshone counties.
Low income seniors (ages 55+) assist those who need minor help to continue living independently. Sponsored by Panhandle Health District, it serves the five northern counties: Benewah, Bonner, Boundary, Kootenai, and Shoshone.
Senior Companions visit clients in their homes.
A non-taxable stipend is paid. Also transportation reimbursement, paid time off, ongoing training & accident/liability insurance while volunteering.
Serve foster children who have recently been removed from their homes
First to be called to stay with child waiting in CPS office for foster placement by social worker
OMD feed children, assist with new clothing choices, play with children, provide loving support
Volunteers are trained & background checked
Contact Alisha Kinerson, CdA OMD Coordinator, 509-540-6285 or email cda@officemomsanddads.com
8056 N. Wayne Dr., Hayden, ID 83835
1-800-712-HELP (emergency 24/7)
FREE compassion, support & information to anyone facing the challenge of unintended pregnancy.
Provides parenting education, adoption support, community referrals, guidance for young fathers & post-abortion support group
Volunteer orientation sessions offered monthly
Be a mentor to young fathers, client advocate, church liaison, knit baby blankets, administer pregnancy/ultrasound tests (nurses/medical personnel), educate peers, become board member
Pray for staff, volunteers & clients
"Art is for Everybody"
A theater group made up of community members who share the goal of spotlighting individuals who have intellectual, developmental & physical disabilities so they may explore, experience & excel in performing & visual arts
Provides one musical production per year; also art workshops for music, movement, acting & art skills
Volunteers needed for productions (actors, shadow actors, set builders, stage crew, hair/makeup, costumes, auditions, rehearsals, house crew), marketing, fundraising, workshops, cast parties & more
admin@outoftheshadowstheater.com or call 208-889-2783
Mobile distribution non-profit w/purpose to provide fresh produce to those in need
In 2022, distributed 6,000 pounds of produce in 17 locations to 2,000 recipients
Volunteers can help w/planting, weeding & events
"Together, We Are Keeping Families Close"
2300 Ironwood Place, Coeur d'Aene, ID 83814
Call Sadie at 208-769-3700 or email sadiek@rmhcinlandnw.org
Ronald McDonald Houses worldwide provide families with critically ill or injured children a temporary place to stay FREE of charge, along with social & emotional support.
Volunteers help at RMHC (Ronald McDonald House Charities) to allow families more time to spend with their children.
Volunteers have the opportunity to work alongside the family services team in completing tasks such as providing a clean & comfortable environment in all guest rooms, kitchens & common areas. Also meal prep, organizing supplies, assisting in answering incoming calls, & accepting/distributing donations.
Training is provided. Find fill-in form HERE.
850 N. 4th St., Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814
208-664-9300 (Adm)
24/7 contacts: Voice: (208) 664-9303; Text: (208) 449-7228; Email: safety@safepassageid.org or scoleman@safepassageid.org
Helps all survivors of domestic abuse/sexual violence, including children. Offers a safe shelter, counseling, court advocacy & more. Services are FREE & confidential. A person does not have to leave the abuser or home to obtain help.
Trained advocates offer support with no fees, judgment or pressure
Opportunities to help range from providing crisis counseling & court advocacy to serving on a committee, or board.
Internships may be available​​
Idaho Department of Insurance - SHIBA
Help Line - 1-800-247-4422
2005 Ironwood Parkway, CdA
Offers unbiased Medicare presentations, workshops & individual counseling in communities - FREE of charge!
Interested in being a SHIBA Volunteer Counselor? Contact 208-666-6131 (Stephanie Wood, Volunteer Services Coordinator) or stephanie.wood@doi.idaho.gov
Goal is to make sure elderly are not forgotten on birthdays, holidays, Mother’s & Father’s days
If interested in donating items, consider team sports items, veteran items, CDs & DVDs, toiletries & women’s makeup.
Founded by Diane Zell; email cda62vette@gmail.com
Formerly Silver Angels for the Elderly
Silver Valley Search & Rescue (SVSAR) is a local, independent non-profit organization, serving Shoshone Co. Sheriff's Department. Backup assistance may also be provided to neighboring counties when called upon.
Committed to bringing home those lost & stranded, team members include hunters, skiiers, snowmobilers, radio techs & drone pilots. They attend regular training & may be called out any time of year for snow, mountain & water rescues.
Need volunteers experienced in riding snowmobiles, ATVs, hiking &/or navigating; base camp cooks & traffic control.
208-661-8833 or email r.wheelock@svsar.org
Mission is to help families care for their pets by providing services, resources & education necessary to obtain optimal health & well-being for their animals.
Programs include Food4TAILS, Pet Food Pantry & TAILS4Life Veterinary Medical Assistance.
LaRain Saige, Director, PO Box 162, Post Falls, ID 83877
208-773-8245 call or text; or email TAILSFoundationInc@gmail.com
"Learn to do good, seek justice, correct oppression, bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widows cause." --Isaiah 1:17
208-755-5248 or email villageofhopecda@gmail.com
Village of Hope offers tangible ways to help support foster children & those caring for them.
For children in crisis arriving at foster homes with nothing but the clothes they have on, "Journey Bags" provide tangible items such as pajamas, soft blanket, toys, ​activity books, Jesus Storybook Bible, new clothing...age appropriate supplies.
"Foster Parent Night Out" and "Social Worker Support"